BJ Tharaikill: Capturing Beauty in Everyday Moments
BJ Tharaikill’s artistic journey began in rural Maryland in the 1950s and ’60s, where an accomplished neighbor introduced her to the world of painting and sketching at a young age. Under the guidance of this talented artist, BJ painted with oils and sketched outdoors with charcoal, sparking a lifelong passion for art. Though she took breaks from painting over the years, BJ returned to her craft in earnest once her children were grown, studying at the College of Marin and focusing primarily on oils.
BJ finds beauty in the ordinary, often framing everyday objects into compositions that capture fleeting moments—a glance, a snapshot of life. Her art leans toward a peculiar realism, straying slightly from full representation to highlight the unique aspects of her subjects. Drawing inspiration from objects like crows, sinks, and branches, BJ often works in series, revisiting themes that continue to fascinate her. Each piece reflects her satisfaction in breathing life into the simple, turning the mundane into something extraordinary.